Vision and Values
Growing Together to Flourish in God’s World
Our School Vision
At St Anne’s CE (Aided) Primary School, we create a community where we grow together in faith and compassion to flourish in God’s World. We nurture our whole school family to develop a strong sense of love and respect and to have the courage to seek out the wisdom to make a positive impact in our own lives and the lives of others. We will prepare children for a life beyond St Anne’s and through God’s love, rich experiences and a sense of belonging, all will make strong roots to grow, flourish and bear fruit.
We draw inspiration from the Biblical narrative ‘The Vine and the Branches’.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit” (John 15:5).
Our Christian Values
Through these core values we will achieve our vision:
courage, wisdom, love, respect, faith and compassion.
Mission and Aims
Through our faith in God as the gardener who tends and cares for us, we work together to grow and flourish. We all belong to the vine and together we will grow and produce the most amazing fruit.
Our Christian Values will help us all to deliver our vision as:
We are deeply rooted in our Christian tradition, through which we are connected to God and to each other.
We nurture and value the talents of each member of our school family and enable them to flourish. Regardless of any individual differences, we all have equal access to a high-quality education and opportunities for growth without barriers.
We create stimulating teaching and learning opportunities to foster and seek out wisdom through our broad and balanced curriculum.
We encourage all to be creative and curious learners; supporting each other to be resilient and have courage when faced with challenge.
We create a safe, loving school culture and encourage all to develop respect, compassion and a sense of social responsibility. We actively challenge injustice so we are inspired to make a difference to the world in which we live.
We lay sure foundations for all to develop positive qualities of character that enable us all to flourish.