Adverse Weather Conditions
During severe weather conditions, such as flooding or snow, it may be necessary to close the school temporarily due to inaccessibility or risk of injury.
The decision to close will only be made in exceptional circumstances if weather conditions pose risks to children’s safety and welfare. This may be due to transport or travel issues (coming to school or going home), the safety of our school sites (including possible damage caused) or low staff ratios due to difficulties getting into school.
Children’s safety is always our priority and we will remain open unless it would be a high risk to do so.
If the decision to close is made we will communicate with parents in the following ways:
Parentmail text and email. Please ensure we have all your correct, up to date details.
Twitter @StAnnesRoyton.
School website This displays a live Twitter feed.
Oldham council website
Local radio stations. Please check that they have stated St. Anne’s Royton.
We will implement our Remote Learning Policy for the period of school closure and learning will move online. Children will be expected to complete the work set.
We will reopen as soon as possible and will use the above methods to inform parents of these arrangements.
Thank you for your support in keeping our children and whole school community safe.