Christmas Service in Church – The Children’s Society

St Anne's Church

We will be sending out the collection candles for the Children’s Society ahead of the service. Again we join St Anne’s Church to raise money for this charity by collecting loose change in a candle container that you can put together like this: It’s easy once you get the hang of it! You can find ... Read more

NSPCC Workshops

The NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme is visiting our school to make sure our pupils have the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe from abuse. I’m pleased to tell you that we will be working with the NSPCC, the UK’s leading children’s charity, who’ll be delivering their Speak out. Stay safe. programme. This ... Read more

Meeting for Y2 and Y3 Parents – Admissions to church secondary schools

School Hall

Mrs Coppock, St Anne's Church warden, welcomes all interested parents to attend a meeting regarding the evidence of church attendance required when applying for a place at church secondary schools such as Crompton House and The Bluecoat School. Mrs Coppock will explain how points are calculated and will answer any other questions parents have about ... Read more