Reading Challenge

Events June 2019 On Friday 21st June, school will be having a reading celebration day. On this day, there will be 3 events taking place: 1. For a £1 donation, children are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character and they are asked to bring the book with that character in ... Read more

Reading Rocks Day

The children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character with a donation of £1 to our PTFA. Get thinking about your favourite characters as we hope to see a wide variety of outfits.

‘Rock & Roll’ Reading Disco

Tickets are £2. Ticket sales are limited to first come, first served. You can purchase these via Parentmail. Tickets must be purchased before the disco. If you have any questions about making payments on Parentmail, please see the school office for help and support. If your child wishes to come to the disco, they will be ... Read more

Sports Day

Parents and Carers are welcome to attend. Children are invited to attend school in their own appropriate shorts, t-shirt and trainers. They will then be allocated a team colour in school. KS1 Sports Day will take place from approximately 10.00 - 11.30am on the school field. KS2 - Sports Day will take place at approximately 1.30 ... Read more