Blessing of the school Christmas tree

This is a long-standing event here at St Anne’s. We will be having our tree in the school hall and on Thursday 1st December we will decorate our tree and switch on the lights. On the day, we ask that children bring in a bauble from home to decorate the tree, clearly labelled with their ... Read more

School Pantomime

Each year we have a Pantomime visit our school to put on a performance. It is always a lovely event and the children really enjoy it. The pantomime will be held during school time and is for children from Reception year up to Yr 6. The show will finish in time for normal pick up ... Read more

Christmas dinner and Christmas Jumper day

This year our Christmas dinner will be held on Friday 9th December; which will also be Save the Children Christmas jumper day where all children are invited to wear a Christmas jumper for a donation of £1 which we will then donate to Save the Children charity. All orders for Christmas dinners must be place ... Read more

Christmas Disco – ticket only event

On Friday 9th December we will have our Christmas Disco after school (3.30pm – 5pm). Further details will be provided by the PTFA nearer the time. Please look out for tickets going on sale on Parentmail. Ticket numbers are limited due to health and safety and sold on a first come first serve basis on ... Read more

KS2 Carol Concert

Junior Carol Concert   We will be reinstating our traditional Carol Concert for the Junior children on Monday 12th December at 2pm. Parents are invited to attend and listen to the children tell the story of the Nativity though traditional carols. This will take place in the school hall.  Our PTFA will also be offering ... Read more