Year 5/6 – Turquoise 2024 - 2025

Mrs Martin

Mrs Marshall

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Welcome to Turquoise Class!

Our class teacher for this academic year are Mrs Martin and Mrs Marshall.

Our teaching assistants are Miss Dymond and Mr Kent.

In Turquoise Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014.  British Values also underpin our curriculum.

Topic Titles:

These are the six topics we will be doing over the next academic year.  Each topic will last a half term and will also be cross curricular with other subjects.

Autumn 1 – Were the Vikings always so Vicious and Victorious? (History)

Core English Texts:

How To Train Your Dragon: Book 1 : Cowell, Cressida: Books Tell Me a Dragon: Jackie Morris, Jackie Morris:  9781912654277: Books Dare to Care: Pet Dragon: Robertson, Mark, Symes, Sally:  9781847805911: Books How to Train Your Dragon: Incomplete Book of Dragons : Cowell, Cressida: Books Evidence of Dragons by Pie Corbett (2011-07-01): Corbett,  Pie: Books Jabberwocky”. by Lewis Carroll, published in “Through the Looking Glass” in  1871. | by C. A. Hurst | Medium The Hero's Quest (Walker Studio) : Love, Jeffrey Alan, Love, Jeffrey Alan: Books

In this topic we will be looking at who the Vikings were, where they settled which will develop as we continue through the topic to understand how we should remember them.  We will be looking at what they did to gain a bad reputation. One main idea we will be exploring is how they tried to take over the country and how close they got to achieving it.

Click here for the Viking Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2 – How did Great Britain stand firm against the German threat? (History)

Core Texts:

Hope and Glory (1987) - IMDb War Boy: The acclaimed illustrated children's picture book about World War  II: Foreman, Michael: 9781843650874: Books Everything: World War II: Facts and photos from the front line to the home  front! (National Geographic Kids): National Geographic Kids:  ... WW2 Survival Tips: Age 10-11, Below Average Readers (White Wolves Non  Fiction) - Spilsbury, Louise; Spilsbury, Richard: 9781408124253 - AbeBooks Time Train to the Blitz (Audio Download): Sophie McKenzie, Mark Meadows,  Audible Studios: Books

A Christmas Candle

A Wartime Christmas Poem by Father T.A.

During this topic, our curriculum focus will be on an aspect or theme in British History beyond 1066. Within this topic, we will look into World War two and the affects it had on people. We will look at evacuation and understand what it was like to be a child during the war.

Click here for the WW2 Knowledge Organiser

Spring 1 – Who were the Mayans and what can we learn from them? (History) 

Core Texts:

Oh Maya Gods!: an EPIC new laugh-out-loud adventure series from the author  of WHO LET THE GODS OUT : Evans, Maz: Books DKfindout! Maya, Incas, and Aztecs | DK Learning Mayan Civilization : Hibbert, Clare: Books The Hero Twins: Against The Lords Of Death (A Mayan Myth) (Graphic Myths  and Legends): Jolley Dan, Witt David: 9781580138925: Books

Within the topic we will look at the lifestyles led by the Mayans as well as how their lives were different. One main idea we will be exploring is the similarities and differences between their lives and our lives now. We will also focus on their religion and the gods that they worship.

Click here for the Mayans Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2 – How diverse is life in South America? (Geography)

Core Texts:

The Explorer by Katherine Rundell (9781408882191/Paperback) |  LoveReading4Kids Paperscapes: The Incredible World of Bugs: Turn This Book Into a  Creepy-Crawly Work of Art : Hibbert, Melanie: Books Amazon River (Earth's Incredible Places) All The Way Down: Amazon Rainforest : Woolf, Alex, Lundie, Isobel: Books Amazon Basin (Expedition Diaries) : Chapman, Simon: Books Jungle Survival Handbook The Lorax: The classic story that shows you how to save the planet! :  Seuss, Dr., Seuss, Dr.: Books What Are We Fighting For?: Poems About War: Nicola L  Robinson, Moses, Brian, Stevens, Roger: 9781447248613: Books

During this topic, we will learn to locate the major cities and countries of South America. One main idea we will be learning about is how the Amazon Rainforest is known as ‘the lungs of the earth.’ This will develop our skills in Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical Skills and Fieldwork.

Click here for the South America Knowledge Organiser

Summer 1 – Why should Britain be ashamed of slavery? (History)

Core Texts:

Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story from the Underground Railroad by Ellen  Levine | Goodreads Moses: When Harriet Tubman Led Her People to Freedom : Weatherford, Carol  Boston: Books The Undefeated (Caldecott Medal Book)

'Checking Out Me History' by John Agard | English Literature - Poets in  Person

Checking Out Me History      by John Agard (2019)

 Slavery (Civil Rights Stories) : Chambers, Catherine, Newsome, Toby: Books

This topic will focus on what life was like as a slave and the different aspects of their lives. One main idea we will focus on is Britain’s part in the slave trade and what they gained from it and why they didn’t stop it. We will also have a brief look at modern slavery.

Click here for the Slavery Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2 – Will I ever see the water I drink again?  (Geography)

Core Texts:

Ducks Overboard!: A True Story of Plastic in Our Oceans : Motum, Markus,  Motum, Markus: Books Like the Ocean We Rise Boyan Slat and the ocean cleanup / by Isaac Kerry. - Northants Libraries Climate Action by Georgina Stevens and Katie Rewse - digital pack - The  Reading Agency What A Waste: Rubbish, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet (Protect the  Planet) : French, Jess: Books Children Who Changed the World: Incredible True Stories About Children's  Rights! River Stories | Timothy Knapman Water Cycles

This topic will extend our Locational Knowledge, Place Knowledge, Human and Physical Geography and Geographical Skills and Fieldwork by learning about water cycles and how rivers fit into water cycles.

Click here for the Water Cycle Knowledge Organiser


For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.


It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school.  PE will be every Friday afternoon .


Indoor sessions:

  • Black shorts
  • Red polo shirt
  • Black pumps

Outdoor sessions

  • Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
  • Red polo shirt
  • Trainers (not fashionable)
  • Sweater (winter)

Children must ensure if they are wearing small studded earrings then these are removed for PE lessons.

Year 5 will be Swimming during the Summer term on Wednesdays.

Trunks or swim shorts (shorts must be lined and no longer than mid-thigh)

1 piece costume (close fitting leotards and footless tights may also be worn where normal swimwear is not appropriate for religious/ cultural reasons).

The Learning Line 

The Learning Line helps the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line links to our class text “How to train your dragon”  and the children use it in all areas of the curriculum.

Our Golden Promises: 

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Our Prayers:

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Homework  will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday.  Homework will include: handwriting, spellings, a times tables/ arithmetic activity and a banded reading book.

Links for home learning

Letter-Join - Home Learning School

Letter Join

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play

Timetable Rockstars

Purple Mash - AWE Club

Purple Mash


If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.


Mrs Martin, Mrs Marshall and Miss Dymond 

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