Year 3 – Orange 2024 - 2025
Mrs Ingham
Welcome to Orange Class!
Our class teacher for the academic year 2024-2025 is Mrs Ingham.
Our teaching assistants are Mr Kent, Mrs Gill and Mrs Brierley.
In Orange Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014. British Values also underpin our curriculum.
Topic Titles:
These are the six topics we will be doing over the next academic year. Each topic will last a half term and will also be cross curricular with other subjects.
Autumn 1 – What were the changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age? (History)
Core English Texts
In this topic we will learn about what life was like in the Stone age, we will develop our skills as a historian by looking at artefacts, asking questions, developing our understanding of chronology and making comparisons to life today. We will also look at the changes between the Stone Age (mesolithic, neolithic and Paleolithic) through to the Iron Age. In our English we will be using a range of texts including Minow and the Bear, Stone Age Boy, DK find out Stone Age and also How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.
Click here for the The Stone Age to Iron Age Knowledge Organiser.
Autumn 2 – What are the key features of the United Kingdom compared to Greece? (Geography)
Core English Texts
During this topic the children will learn what a county is and what makes each county different. We shall compare human and physical geographical differences and write up our findings about the UK. We will also develop our map skills and look at contours of the land and compare climate in the UK and Greece. In English we will use a range of texts including The Queen’s Handbag, Nessie and Finn Macool and the Giant’s Causeway
Click here for the UK Knowledge Organiser.
Spring 1 – What can I rediscover about Ancient Greece? (History)
Core English Texts
A study of Ancient Greece, this topic will also provide the opportunity for the children to learn a little more about Europe, broadening their geographical awareness. As part of our work in history the children will further develop their chorological awareness and look at world history at this time. They will also have the opportunity to look at a variety of sources and work to question what each source tells us about the Ancient Greeks. In English our texts will include Greek Myths, a poem about Pandora’s Box and Corinthian Girl.
Click here for the What can I rediscover about Ancient Greece knowledge organiser.
Spring 2 – How did the apple become a blossom? (Science)
Core English Texts
This unit will focus on the science of plants and look will enable the children to develop their scientific skills and gain a deeper understanding of plants. In English our texts will include The Flower, Pip & Egg and I am the Seed that Grew the Tree.
Click here for the The Flower Knowledge Organiser.
Summer 1 – How did the Victorian period change Oldham and what does this mean for me? (History)
Core English Texts
A local history study looking specifically at how Oldham’s Industrial Revolution and Victorian past have helped to form the present town and the changes it has seen along the way. This will be an exciting opportunity for the children to learn more about their home town. In English our texts will include Leather Shoe Charlie and Horrible Histories Vile Victorians.
Click here for the How did the Victorian period help to make Oldham the way it is today Knowledge
Summer 2 – Why are the rivers and canals important to Manchester? (Geography)
Core English Texts
A study of the physical and human geographical aspects of rivers. The children will learn why rivers and canals are so important and about the local environment in which they are found. The will look at a variety of maps and take part in some field work where they will develop some of their geographical skills.
Click here for the Rivers and Canals Knowledge Organiser
For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.
Orange class will have P.E. lessons on Tuesday afternoons. It is essential that the children have the correct PE kit in school. For this they will need their PE kit.
- Indoor sessions:
- Black shorts
- Red polo shirt
- Black pumps
Outdoor sessions
- Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
- Red polo shirt
- Trainers (not fashionable)
- Sweater (winter)
Children must ensure if they are wearing small studded earrings then these are removed for PE lessons.
Our Learning Line
The Learning Line helps the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line is inspired by nature’ intelligence and strength of character, whilst striving for success in their journey to create social equity and looking after the less fortunate. The learning line is an active teaching tool used by the pupils to promote self-reflection and is used in all areas of the curriculum.
Our Golden Promises:
Our Prayers:
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday. Homework will include: handwriting, spellings, a times tables/ arithmetic activity and a banded reading book. The children are expected to have their reading books in school with them each day.
Links for home learning
If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.
Mrs Ingham, Mrs Gill and Mrs Brierley