Reception/Year 1 – Yellow 2024 - 2025
Miss Moore
Welcome to Yellow Class
Our class teacher for the 2023-2024 academic year is Miss Moore.
Our teaching assistants Mrs Dodman and Mrs Slattery.
In Yellow Class, we cover many exciting topics to enhance children’s knowledge and understanding in-line with The National Curriculum 2014. British Values also underpin our curriculum.
Topic Titles:
These are the six topics we will be doing over the next academic year. Each topic will last a half term and will also be cross curricular with other subjects.
1. What is it like to be a St Anne’s Learner? (Geography)
Core English Texts:
This is a Geography based topic. We will be learning about our school and the surrounding area.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
2. Where do the leaves go in Winter? (Geography)
Core English Texts:
This is a Geography based topic. During this topic the children will be learning about seasonal changes and the different trees and plants around our school.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
3. Who were Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole? (History)
Core English Texts:
This is a History based topic. This topic is a study of changes in living memory.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
4. Would Great Grandma play with toys like mine? (History)
Core English Texts:
This is a History based topic. This topic is a study of changes in living memory.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
5. Can I help Peter Rabbit navigate the United Kingdom? (Geography)
Core Texts: ‘Lottie Potter Wants an Otter’ by Jeanne Willis, ‘Should I Get A Rabbit?’ by Vicky Simpson, ‘Looking After Rabbits’ by Fiona Patchett, ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen, ‘Bunnies on the Bus’ by Philip Ardagh, ‘Little Rabbit Foo Foo’ by Michael Rosen and ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ by Beatrix Potter.
This is a Geography based topic. During this topic we will be comparing our local area to another area.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
Core English Texts:
6. How has the Queen kept herself busy for over 90 years? (History)
Core English Texts:
This is a History based topic. The children will be learning about the Royal family and their significance in History.
Click here for Knowledge Organiser
For a more detailed view of our curriculum areas, please visit the Curriculum Tab on our website.
Yellow Class will have their PE lessons on Wednesdays. It is essential that children have the correct PE kit in school. This can be brought at the start of a half-term and taken home for the holidays.
Indoor Kit
- Black shorts
- Red polo shirt
- Black pumps
Outdoor Kit
- Black shorts or dark tracksuit bottoms (winter)
- Red polo shirt
- Trainers (not fashionable)
- Sweater (winter)
Children must ensure if they are wearing small studded earrings then these are removed for PE lessons.
The Learning Line:
The Learning Line helps the children to evaluate their own progress in lessons. Our line shows Simba and his journey to becoming king. We use the design of our learning line in all areas of the curriculum.
Our Golden Promises:
Our Prayers:
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned to school the following Wednesday. Homework will include: Phonics, Maths, English/handwriting & Reading. This will be handed out in paper copy.
Links for home learning
If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.
Miss Moore, Mrs Dodman and Mrs Slattery
Reception/Year 1 – Yellow: News items
Vote for us at Tesco Stronger Starts, by Mrs Holt
Reception visit to Oldham Libraries Theatre, by Mrs Holt
Reception/Year 1 – Yellow: Gallery items
There are no Gallery items to display
Reception/Year 1 – Yellow: Calendar items
Nursery- ZooLab visit to school, by St Anne's CE (Aided) Primary School