Nursery – Gold 2024 - 2025

Mrs Prestidge

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Welcome to Nursery!

Our class teacher is Ms Prestidge and our teaching assistant is Ms Eastmond.

In Nursery, we cover lots of topics that aim to excite and entice the children with new learning opportunities and experiences.


Our Golden promises:

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Autumn 1 – Marvellous Me

As the children start their new chapter at school, we will learn about what is important to the them, their family, what they like/dislike and our feelings. During this half term, the children will also become familiar with their new routines at St Anne’s Nursery.

Autumn 2 – Fantastic Fairytales

Within this topic, the children will become familiar with some traditional fairytales such as Goldilocks and the three bears and The Gingerbread man. Towards Christmas, we also learn about the birth of Jesus.

Spring 1 – Helpful Heroes

In this topic, the children learn about and meet fire fighters, police officers, doctors and nurses, dentist, mountain rescue and many more. The children also learn about what they can do in an emergency.

Spring 2 – Growing Great

During this topic, the children find out what makes a seed grow, what happens when Jack swaps his cow for some magic beans, and how to plant our own ‘magic’ beans. We also learn about the life cycle of frogs. As we approach Easter, the children will also learn about the Easter story.

Summer 1 – Awesome Animals

Within this topic the children will be learning about a variety of animals including pets and animals that live in the ocean and jungle. We will also have some weird and wonderful animals visit the class for children to handle and learn about.

Summer 2 – Marvellous Minibeasts

During this topic the children will learn about all things creepy crawly, we will be observing tiny caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies, learn about how important bees are to our world and look at the features of lots of different minibeasts.

Music, PE and Forest Fun

At the start of the year, the children take part in our  SPLAY (Sport through Play) sessions, which are led by an Oldham Sports Specialist. The children will then meet Mrs Emmott after Christmas. Mrs Emmott is a music specialist and leads our weekly music sessions.

The children will also take part in ‘Forest Fun’ sessions. We will visit the school field and take part in a range of activities which promote good social and communication skills.


In Nursery, the children will be able to choose a book from our class library, these will be books that need to be shared with an adult. Books will be changed every Friday, and we ask that library books are brought back into school by the following Wednesday.

Outdoor equipment

Outdoor learning is a huge part of the Early Years curriculum and the children will have plenty of opportunities to work in our outdoor area. Children will need to have a pair of wellies in school and wear a good, waterproof coat as we do go outside in all types of weather.

Water bottle

Children will need to bring a water bottle to school every day, please ensure these have their names on.

Links for home learning 

Tapestry - Polkadots Nursery


Little Wandle (Phonics) | Armfield Academy

Little Wandle for parents

Letter-Join - Home Learning School

Letter join

Please remember to check Tapestry for weekly updates. 


If you would like any more information about our class, please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office.

Mrs Prestidge and Mrs Eastmond


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