St Anne's CE (Aided) Primary School Homepage

St. Anne’s is a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School in Oldham, Greater Manchester. Being a Church School means that we aim “to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality with the context of Christian belief and practice.” (St. Anne’s Instrument of Government).

Children come into school with a wealth of knowledge and experiences. It is our aim to ensure these are built on and promote an enthusiasm and willingness to learn more. We believe that children do their best when home and school work closely together. Through our Christian ethos we aim to cater for your child, your family and your community. We are committed to providing an environment for all God’s children that enables them to embrace our shared values and be fully prepared for each phase of their education and their future.

If you would like to visit our school to see our strong family ethos for yourself please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.

Kind regards,

Mrs Sue Holt | Headteacher


Attendance 24th-28th Feb.png