Green class Manchester airport trip
Full school uniform to be worn.
People who help us dress up day for Nursery and Reception year children
Children are invited to dress up as someone that helps us e.g. fire fighter, police officer, doctor, vet, nurse etc
PTFA Pancake toss event
Sponsor form
PrimeVR Workshops
The permission slip must be completed and returned to the school office for children to take part.
PTFA Secret Mother’s day service
The PTFA will be running the Secret Mother's day service where children can come along and purchase gifts that will be wrapped by our wonderful PTFA. The event is being held in the school hall at the end of the school day.
Robinwood residential trip
Robinwood kit list This is a non compulsory Yr 5 residential trip to Robinwood activity centre. Places are limited and so are offered on a first come first serve basis on Parentmail.
PTFA Meeting
Your PTFA needs you!!! If you have fresh ideas on how the school could raise funds please come along.
Lilac class Egyptian workshop Bolton
Children should wear full school uniform.